oxford house rules and regulations

This principle contrasts sharply with the principle of providing oxford house sober living the alcoholic or drug addict with assistance for a limited time period in order to make room for a more recently recovering alcoholic or drug addict. During our drinking and drug use years, and even before, many of us found it difficult to accept authority. Many individuals in society are able to abide by the strict letter of any rule, regulation , or law.

How Much Does an Oxford House Cost?

As noted in the conclusion, Oxford House stands out as a valuable resource to those in recovery, promoting responsibility, interpersonal relationships, and self-reliance through its unique approach. By fostering a supportive, sober community, it has made a difference in thousands of lives. Oxford House is for people seeking recovery in a community-based environment, typically within a same-sex residence. The houses are designed to provide stable surroundings for those in early recovery, often located in quiet and pleasant neighborhoods. Oxford Houses are built upon the principle of mutual support among recovering individuals, wherein they https://ecosoberhouse.com/ help each other in achieving a sober lifestyle.

House Traditions

Oxford House, Inc. is a separate nonprofit organization that provides technical assistance and training to the network of houses to help expand the Oxford House Model. Oxford House, Inc. acts as the coordinating body for providing charters for the opening of new Oxford Houses. It also acts as the coordinating body to help individual houses to organize mutually supportive chapters. Through chapters individual houses are able to share their experience, strength and hope with each other to assure compliance with the Oxford House concept and its respected standardized system of operations.

Oxford House Recovery Homes

oxford house rules and regulations

One can only be dismissed from an Oxford House because of drinking, using drugs, non-payment of rent, or disruptive behavior. Every opportunity should be given to a member who needs professional help to see that he obtains it. The members of an Oxford House assume full responsibility for the operation of the House. The rent that is charged the members is determined by the members themselves in a democratic fashion.

  • Some of us had lived for a time in alcoholic and drug rehabilitation facilities.
  • All too often, an abrupt transition from a protected environment to an environment which places considerable glamour on the use of alcohol and drugs causes a return to alcoholic drinking or addictive drug use.
  • Oxford Houses are self-run, self-supported recovery homes for individuals seeking a drug and alcohol-free living environment.
  • However, Oxford Houses specifically use a peer-based model and are often more affordable because they operate without staff and are supported by residents’ pooled resources.
  • A major part of the Oxford House philosophy is that dependency is best overcome through an acceptance of responsibility.
  • In contrast, Oxford Houses are self-run with democratically-established rules by the residents themselves, and they are self-supported through the residents’ pooled finances.

Find documents, templates, and everything residents need while living at an Oxford House. Before spreading the word, an individual Oxford House should make certain that it is sufficiently established to undertake public discussion of it goals and mission. The best sales pitch for spreading the word about Oxford House is simply the establishment of a sound Oxford House and a straightforward discussion of what it is, how it works and why it is needed. It is inconsistent with the Oxford House system of democratic rule to have a professional manager of Oxford House. Failure to adhere to any of these three requirements would bring the entire Oxford House concept into question. Therefore, it is important that each Oxford House Sober living house meet these minimum responsibilities in order for its charter to be continued.

oxford house rules and regulations

There are over 3,500 Oxford Houses across the United States

oxford house rules and regulations

The rules which govern the house are for the most part also made by those who live in a particular Oxford House Such autonomy is essential for the Oxford House system to work. The Oxford House concept is a sound one, based on sound principles, and has demonstrated its worth with an established track record. We should spread the word about Oxford House, but be wary of individuals who place their own personalities before the principles that made Oxford House work.

oxford house rules and regulations

Once more applications are received than there are beds available, the members of any Oxford House will begin to look around for another suitable house. When they find such a house they will bring it up with the other existing Houses and if there is a consensus they will attempt to find the start up money and members to fill the new house. Often several members of an existing House will move into the new House to provide a core group of new members who already know how an Oxford House works. A major part of the Oxford House philosophy is that dependency is best overcome through an acceptance of responsibility.