Scotland All-Strong – An Overview

Scotland All-Strong – An Overview

Scotland All-Strong – An Overview As a non-profit community interest company, our purpose is to provide and promote positive experiences of fitness, strength and mindful relaxation for mental health as well as physical benefits and overall wellbeing.  Scotland...
Stress Smashers at Scotland All-Strong

Stress Smashers at Scotland All-Strong

Stress Smashers at Scotland All-Strong Fitness to Feel Better – For Mental and Physical Benefits, and Total Wellbeing Most people these days have to deal with some measure of stress as part of everyday life, with triggers and stressful situations coming from all...
7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People

7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People

7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People   The need for yoga to help children and young people manage stress and regulate themselves   Research suggests yoga can be a potential tool for children to deal with stress and regulate themselves. Yoga and...