Scotland All-Strong Pricing
INDIVIDUAL CLASS PASS – £28.50/month for ALL relevant CLASSES and OPEN GYM (including exciting new development)
FAMILY CLASS PASS – £48/month for ALL CLASSES and OPEN GYM (including exciting new development) for up to 2 adults and 2 under 16s from the same household.
SINGLE CLASSES – All of our classes are available for single class bookings. Prices vary.
FITNESS to FEEL BETTER – £32* for each 8 week programme. (*Currently subsidised at this price thanks to National Lottery players and the National Lottery Community Fund).
UNPAID CARERS PROGRAMMES – FREE with bookings through PKAVS (for our currently postponed set of 3 programmes, or Support in Mind when a programme is available.
PERTH AUTISM SUPPORT – Please contact PAS for more information on how to get involved in the Young Adult Fitness Project.